Audio/FM Radio

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Revision as of 05:53, 24 July 2020 by Dirknerkle (talk | contribs)
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To the visitor, a silent animated light show doesn't make much sense by itself -- it just appears to be random blinking and flashing lights. But when you link the lighting effects to an audio track, that's when the show really takes off! The audio track pulls it all together and gives purpose to the lighting effects.
But it's not just any audio that turns your show loose -- playing a local radio station's Christmas carols while your show is running most likely won't work that well. It's audio that's been carefully selected so that together, the audio/music and lighting effects compliment one another to create the most enjoyable viewing experience. What's more, the audio track needs to have good audio fidelity, too.

Selecting Music How to select music that matches the overall theme of your show

Editing Audio Files Information about inexpensive tools and methods for enhancing your audio track

Voiceovers/Announcements How to make your own announcements -- or where to you have them recorded for you

FM Radio Transmitters Information about selecting and using low-power FM transmitters

FM Transmitting Antennas Information about antennas; how to build your own inexpensive, high-performance dipole antenna