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'''Figure 4'''
'''Figure 4'''

Revision as of 17:48, 13 January 2019

First step in programming an ESP Module is to obtain a programmer. There are both programmers that already exist and can be purchased on sites like ebay or aliexpress and there are a few that have been developed by the DIY community. The programmer of choice for this article is the ESP Flashamater which was developed by dirknerkle. 20190113 174248.jpg

Besides the programmer you will also need a USB to TTL adapter. The adapter in this article will be the CP2102 adapter. This adapter again can be easily purchased on ebay. 20190113 174239.jpg

Next step is again to download the ESPixelstick firmware. Which can be found here Shelby Merricks Firmware You will want to download the .zip file. Once downloaded open the location that the ESPixelStick_Firmware-3.0.zip file was downloaded to. Right click on the file and select extract all.(See figure 1) Once extracted you should have a regular folder that you can open the contents of that folder should look something like those in figure 2.


Figure 1


Figure 2

Next, the file you are looking to open will be the ESPSFlash Tool Executable jar file. (See Figure 3)


Figure 3

Next, Open the ESPS Flash Tool File and you should see a page like this:(See Figure 4)


Figure 4

From here you will set and configure the parameters for your network and the type of device you are looking to program (Serial(DMX/Renard) or Pixel) (See figures 5-10)


Figure 5 This is where you will enter the SSID(Wireless network name) for your wireless network, typically it is recommended to have an SSID that is different than your home wireless network that all other devices/computers are connected to. This recommendation is quite common due to the fact that it makes seeing the visibility of your show devices much easier and helps keep your home network security in check. However some do choose to have them on the same network. To find more information relating to wireless networks see the networking section of the wiki here:Networking


Figure 6


Figure 7


Figure 8


Figure 9


Figure 10